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Group Home Biz Services Overview

Experts will tell you that employees are the key part of a successful business. Group Home Biz assists with the hiring of competent, motivated and educated staff personnel.

Operating a Group Home is a challenge. Similar to running a nursing home, or a daycare, the key is running a tight ship.  We have developed a framework that surrounds you with the necessary tools and resources to keep up quality care. We offer clear guidance by operating within the construct defined by the executive and board of directors.

Employee Management

We executive coach you through the hiring and firing process for your employees.

All employment activities will meet standards defined by company policies and procedure.

Employee Training

We assist in the management of employee compliance and training activities so that you can focus on Direct Care.

Back Office Management

We manage billing, accounts payable,  cash flow, accounting,  and federal business taxes. We track business performance while maintaining the financial aspects of the business.

Compliance & Auditing

We help in maintaining quality controls associated with the group home.  We conduct ongoing compliance checks and random reviews throughout the year


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